Management Accounting System
Designing high-precision on-board instruments for your business
About me
Imagine that you are a pilot with a control panel right in front of you, and the whole complex mechanism is right at your fingertips—you see where things are going well, where there will soon be a problem, you can assess the situation at one glance and make an informed decision. Well, I am the person who will design a system for you that can provide clear, relevant and reliable data; and I will put this system into operation.

My name is Svetlana Kotliarevskaia, I am a professional in the field of management accounting with years of experience. My portfolio includes financial models, tax optimization, complex payroll, unit economics, creating optimal databases, hundreds of budgets, classic management and on-demand reports. More factual details on my skills and education, as well as a list of my employers and clients, are posted in my LinkedIn resume.

Here, I will say the most important thing—I love numbers, and I know how to work with them. I will build a coherent system with any given set of signs. With this I will make sure that all of your numbers do what they should do: warn you about tight spots, highlight your strengths, keep you on an even keel, and speak to you in an understandable language.
Let's see, how exactly I can help you
Step 1. Removing blind spots
Classic management accounting involves determining the structure of income and expenses, creating databases and modeling three main reports:

  • The Сash Flow (CF) will show where the money comes from and, most importantly, where it goes. With the help of this report we make forecasts for the future.
  • A Profit and Loss (P&L) statement will record how much you actually earned at a given point in time.
  • The Balance Sheet statement will reconcile the data from the first two reports and identify who owes whom and how much at the time the report is generated.
By generating these three reports, we will have a necessary and sufficient self-checking system with clear, relevant and reliable data.
Step 2. Solving pressing tasks
Every business is unique. You may need more information to make an informed decision. Here are examples of what I can do for you:

  • tax planning and optimization: let's figure out how to legally reduce the tax burden.
  • unit economics: sometimes it is important to realize which department/product/branch works better than others for your business.
  • complex payroll: perhaps payments to employees depend on output, or you want to establish a quantifiable and transparent bonus system.
  • business process modeling: businesses often need an answer to the question “what if...”.

There are myriad options. Let's do this: you share your needs with me, and I will offer you a solution to the problem.

Step 3. Placing the system in good hands
I will gently hand over the finished management accounting system to your employee.

This could be a professional economist, just a thoughtful and careful employee, or a promising graduate student—special knowledge or experience will not be required to maintain the system.

In the future, if the need arises, we can always integrate new reports into the system, using existing ones or creating new databases.
How it works
You found me through a recommendation or through Headhunter/LinkedIn; or I was the one who found you, and who is now trying to catch your attention.
You like what you see and reach me through the contacts listed on this site.
We meet online and discuss your tasks and deadlines, my capabilities, the cost and payment procedure, the rhythm of our meetings.
We make an agreement for the provision of services and enter a contract between individual entrepreneur Svetlana Kotliarevskaia and your company.
FAQs and Reviews
    Valery Zh., Moscow, managing partner
    Mastery of Excel, deep knowledge of statistical methods and economic analysis, ability to conveniently present complex data in management reporting—all of this was demonstrated by Svetlana during our project. I recommend Svetlana's services to everyone, she is an excellent specialist.
  • Assistant Special Nannies in Charge
    Evgeniy G., Moscow, CEO
    Sveta put management accounting in our company on its feet, which helped us attract financing, as well as make the right decisions in difficult moments so that the company grows and develops. At the same time, I would especially like to note her attention to detail, the ability to listen and the very clear communication between us.
  • YAPPY Printing House
    Maxim U. and Natalia U., owners
    We have been working with Svetlana and she has been invaluable in creating a financial model and analyzing our numbers. Her mastery of data and ability to explain complex financial aspects in simple terms has made it much easier for us to understand the numbers. Svetlana has demonstrated high professionalism and attention to detail, which has allowed us to make more informed decisions. We recommend Svetlana as a reliable and competent specialist.
Let's make things even clearer
Do I work with start-ups?
In fact, this system is perfect for start-ups! It’s way easier to do something right from scratch than to fix something that’s been done poorly. I have a strong feeling that start-ups need my services much more than other companies; at the same time they are often the ones who lack finance for this kind of work. Thus, I came up with a general system that can be implemented in young companies of any kind (of course, after a little adaptation). Now I can work with up to four start-ups at the same time, which means my labor can be fairly compensated, while the companies can split the costs among themselves.
Are there criteria for my selection of clients?
In general, yes. I would like to work with companies whose goals and values are similar to mine. Mutual trust and respect are important to me. I value my safety and will work only with data that is open to audit and tax inspections.
How quickly can management accounting be implemented in a company?
All in good time. Imagine a baby being born prematurely, after only seven months instead of nine. This baby lives, but requires constant support. The same goes for a management accounting system.
The following principle applies here: the sooner we begin to form a system, the less time it takes. If you have an established business, then to proceed with "Step 1" I will need to analyze information from the bank for the entire previous accounting year up to the current period. This takes some time depending on the volume of your data. But after this initial step and after the shaping of the report structure, things will develop way more quickly. You will receive the first report of "Step 1" (cash flow report for the actual period) immediately upon completion of the information processing stage.
Will I consider maintaining management accounting for a company on a permanent basis?
At this stage of my life, I want to devote myself to guiding start-ups and small businesses to the point where they can afford to hire a specialist to independently conduct management accounting. I will help you determine the selection criteria and, if necessary, participate in interviews. I can also train your employee to work with the system from scratch, if they inspire confidence in you and are interested in changing their field. I am able and willing to provide technical support for the created system, and to integrate new reports into it, if necessary.
Google Sheets or Excel?
Excel is my one true love. With the advent of SQL queries, the possibilities for generating reports based on well-built databases are almost limitless. However, a business may have some specific needs, for example, if many participants must work on a single database simultaneously. Therefore, I am open to building a management accounting system based on Google spreadsheets, but I have more faith in the integration of these systems to achieve the best effect.
I would prefer a WhatsApp message as the first point of contact

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